🚀Uygulama: Temel linux komutları
Print working directory
Change your directory as /usr/
Change your directory as parent directory
List all file in /usr directory
List hidden file and the detailed specifications of /usr directory
Create folder1 and folder 2 into your home directory
Create folder1 and folder 2 into your home directory
Create folder3 into folder1
Create file1.txt and file2.txt into folder1
Create file3.txt into folder3
Create soft link link_file1 for file1.txt
Delete file1.txt
Delete folder1
Delete link_file1
Show content of /etc/passwd
Copy /etc/rc.d directory into your home directory
Move rc.d file into folder2
Rename rc.d file as renamed_rc.d
Change renamed_rc.d permissions as rwxr-xr-x
Show disk usage info
Show current running process
Show all process
Run firefox and kill the process
Last updated